There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias landing-top not found.


1-click import

Getting the entire Fokkner theme demo content will only take a few seconds with 1-click import.



Fully compatible with the most popular visual page builder, the easy-to-use drag & drop Elementor.


Help center

For any additional information contact our team of professionals or browse the knowledge base.



Design your perfect website with little to no effort. Fokkner is a fully-flexible and customizable theme.

There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias landing-content-1 not found.

Custom layouts for your apartment

Fokkner comes with all the necessary features for showcasing your apartments, interior design drafts and much more. Make a breathtaking presentation of all your offers.

Templates for your properties

With Fokkner theme you’ll get an incredible selection of property singles, lists, maps and sliders tailored especially to the real estate business. Design a spectacular property display!

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Slider with alias landing-content-2 not found.
There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias landing-content-3 not found.

Time to open your online shop

With a fantastic array of modern shop layouts and predesigned singles you can create a spectacular store for your interior décor, furniture, other household products and more.

A fully responsive theme

Designed to look astonishing on different screen types and sizes.

There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias landing-bottom not found.

Every layout your site needs

Personalized pages, pre-made blog lists and an inbuilt shop


An essential associate to every real estate business

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